Formal Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Formal tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is done when there is too much loose skin and the tummy muscles being too separated and too loose from pregnancy or weight gain. The skin below the belly button is excised (gone with the stretch marks), and the rectus muscles are tightened in the midline, returning to their pre-pregnancy state. Our doctor would also repair and tighten the external oblique muscles in the lower half of the tummy. These, when combined with strategically done liposuction, using our low-trauma MicroAire power-assisted liposuction device, could generate a new tummy with great looking “corset lines” and “groin lines” (Apollo’s Belt, Adonis Belt, iliac furrow, inguinal crease, or “V” lines). As far as the belly button, it will either be made with the old one (if still looking good) or created anew. 

Of note is that our doctor performs more and more lipo-abdominoplasty (formal tummy tuck with 360 degree all around liposuction) nowadays. Our doctor makes only very minimal undermining in the central upper tummy, in order to preserve as many of the essential blood supplies (penetrating branches) as possible. 

Mini tummy tuck is carried out in the lower abdomen, just above the pubis. By removing one to three inches of skin and tightening the underlying abdominal muscles (fascia), the lower tummy is much flatter and firmer. People with a bothering lower tummy “pooch” and lots of stretch marks should seriously consider this procedure.

Belly button lift: in both formal abdominoplasty and lipo-abdominoplasty procedures, our doctor adds a very welcomed extra step for better aesthetic result, that is, he always pulls the low placed belly button up by one to two inches, using his innovative technical solution. And the elevated position of the belly button, which has about the same height as it would be when the person was young, is permanent! The resulting belly button assumes a natural, and vertically oriented slit like shape (innie), instead of a “sad” looking shape.


Panniculectomy is done for people who simply has a pannus or “apron” in the lowest part of the tummy. It is done without tightening the underlying muscles. C-section scar revision can be done along with skin removal and tightening of the underlying muscles, generating results that might be marvelous. 

C-section scar revision can be done along with skin removal and tightening of the underlying muscles, generating results that might be marvelous, without the guilt of adding a new scar. 

SmartLipo Laser Tummy Tuck

When the problem is only the skin being loose and the muscles are still tight, or when a person does not want any incisional surgical scars, it might be a good idea to consider our Smart Lipo Laser tummy tuck, when only laser energy is used to tighten the skin, without cutting any part of the tummy skin open. The extent of skin tightening is about 14% per scientific researches.

Mommy Makeover

After one is done with pregnancies, it is always nice to consider a mommy makeover for the much labored mommies. The breasts become droopy and deflated, the arms thick, the back showing bra rows, and the tummy floppy with the skin laiden with stretch marks. Mommy makeover fixes all the above problems and restores a lady’s original body shape, as it should be prior to her pregnancies. In a master plastic surgeon’s hands, a lady could regain her shape, or even better, get a much more polished and sexier body than she ever had. Just make sure you have a thorough consultation with your plastic surgeon, so he listens to all your needs.