As things begin to stabilize and the risks of COVID-19 become better understood, we are getting closer to restarting care such as reopening the office and performing elective procedures. Returning to “normal” in our everyday lives may take some time, but we think a big step in the right direction is helping our patients feel like the nest version of themselves.

To ensure your needs are met, Premier Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa is starting a gradual re-opening process – with stringent safety measures in place – for in-office appointments.

For the safety and well-being of our patients and in-office teams, we are taking all appropriate precautions and reinforcing best practices at our facility.

  • We have implemented a “No Hand Shaking” policy at our practice during the outbreak to help limit casual contact and ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff. Please know that we appreciate you and are always happy to see you!
  • Strict social and physical distancing measures including minimizing wait time in waiting areas and maintaining low in-office patient volumes
  • Temperature screening of all patients and employees
  • Rigorous cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing, concentrating on traffic areas, frequently touched surfaces, and exam rooms
  • A mask or face cover for all patients, visitors, employees need to be worn at all times within our facility

With these assurances, we hope you feel safe knowing that your health is of the utmost importance to us and that we are taking all necessary measures to be prepared for you.

Thank you for being a loyal patient of Premier Cosmetic surgery & MedSpa. We look forward to seeing you soon!